Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Last Baby of Spring

     This is Aubergine's little girl, Ghiradelli. She is our last baby born during our "Spring Kidding Schedule."  She was born on June 13th. The summer solstice had not happened yet so, I guess she can still be considered a spring kid.
     The unfortunate thing about her being born so late in the season and the fact that she was a single birth is that she has no one her age or size to hang out with or to live with in the barn. So at the moment she is a house goat. She is mostly litter box trained so I guess it is OK for her to be a house goat for the time being. However, soon we will have to teach her how to be a barn goat. At this point I'm not sure she understands that she is a goat as she seems perfectly happy to run and play with the dogs and cats and makes a game of jumping on them as often as possible. Needless to say the dogs and cats are less than thrilled with this behavior.
     Although she looks black and white in this photo she is actually dark chocolate in color.

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